
因为我们在十大电子游艺网站排行的重点是学生的学习和创造一个环境,刺激优秀教学的发展, our approach is multifaceted. 通过一系列的计划,我们支持教师发展的各个方面. Part of the assistance is offered through the following programs:

ACUE Program   Mentoring Program   Teaching Certification   Evaluation & Assessment

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ACUE Program

十大电子游艺网站排行与学院和大学教育工作者协会(ACUE)合作,提供 no cost to faculty,这是一个认证的机会,可以培养在线和面对面课程教学的最佳实践. The ACUE certificate in Effective Teaching Practices 确保教师了解并实施提高参与度和持久性并促进深入学习的方法.

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一组彩色的俄罗斯方块,上面画着人的图标. A hand is moving a piece into place.

The Mentoring Program for New Faculty

The goals of the new faculty mentoring program via The Center for Teaching and Learning Enhancement are to support new faculty members (experienced and inexperienced) at Lamar University; familiarize them with university expectations, practices, and resources; maximize satisfaction, productivity, and retention; and increase motivation and collegiality across campus.

All new faculty will participate in the Mentoring Program.

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Teaching Certificates


这张教学证书表明你致力于提高你的工作,可以在年度评估、晋升和终身教职文件中作为证据. 教学和学习增强中心也喜欢每年在教务长启动仪式上表彰完成证书的教师.


完成:通过教学和学习增强中心参加或虚拟观看10次会议. Once you have attended or watched, 列出你参加的课程的名称,并提供一份书面报告,说明每个研讨会如何帮助或将如何帮助你的课程, 随附一份课程大纲副本,您计划在其中实施CTLE协调员的更改 To track your “attendance,您还需要提交任何参加或观看的研讨会的相关评估表 here

您可以登录以下网站,在黑板上找到可用的CTLE培训记录 Once logged in, 点击左侧的“组织”,然后选择“教与学促进中心”.” Session options can be found on the lefthand panel.

To remind you what CTLE means by reflection, consider the following:

选择一门课程,你计划将你在CTLE提供的视频和课程中学到的一些知识付诸实践,并将其录制并上传到CTLE Blackboard Shell上. It can be a technique or skill you learned about, or it can be more abstract, 比如更好地理解如何与残疾学生或第一代学生一起工作,以及如何调整你的教学来更好地帮助他们. 它可以是你自己研究的东西,因为你了解了一个学生的挑战(例如.e., not directly in the CTLE training but inspired by it). In short, 我们希望看到你作为一名教师的成长,以及你对所学知识的运用.

Evaluation and Assessment

We are here to help! CTLE将对个别教师的课堂表现提供反馈. The evaluation methods involve one-on-one meetings, classroom observations, and confidential counseling.

CTLE将对个别教师的课堂表现提供反馈. The evaluation methods involve one-on-one meetings, classroom observations, and confidential counseling. All of the consultation process will be held confidentially. 有兴趣获得此机会的教师可通过以下电子邮件与中心联系 with the subject line "Feedback Requested."

Services include:

Syllabus and Course Design Consultation

教师可以在设计课程的任何阶段与CTLE顾问合作, 从定义课程主题到对教学大纲进行最后的润色. 咨询师帮助教师为学生确定学习目标, develop meaningful, well-timed assignments, 并确定评估学生是否以及如何实现这些目标的方法.

Teaching Observation

CTLE顾问可以访问任何教学环境来观察教学实践. After the visit, the consultant discusses with the instructor what she or he has observed; together, they develop strategies for further experimentation and refinement, and identify areas for ongoing reflection. 教学观察对那些已经对自己的教学进行了一些分析的教师来说尤其有效, but would like another perspective.

Small Group Analysis

中心的顾问在课堂上与学生会面,收集他们对这门课的看法, and then meets with the instructor to discuss student responses. 学生成员可以提供有价值的见解,了解学生认为在课堂上什么是有效的.

Student Evaluations Consultation

CTLE顾问可以帮助教师解释数字评分和学生评估的评论. 这种类型的咨询将焦点从将评估视为判断或批评转移到将其视为我们学科中学生学习的丰富信息来源.

Teaching Documentation

The Center consults on the preparation of teaching statements, course portfolios, teaching portfolios, and other forms of documentation. 准备这些材料有助于教师有意识地反思他们的教学实践——加深他们对教学目标和方法的理解, and linking those goals and methods to student learning.

Technology Consultation

CTLE可以安排一名技术专家与教师合作,探索潜在的技术来支持学生的学习,并成功地将技术整合到他们的教学中. This may include assistance with your course learning management site, electronic communication tools, course presentation technologies, 以及其他一系列与讲师的需求和专业知识相关的问题.

Have Questions?

CTLE支持时间为周一至周五上午8:00至下午5:00. 我们致力于在所有事项上保密的最高理想.

Ashley L. Dockens | Director of the Center for Teaching and Learning Enhancement

For questions about the CTLE:
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