
在数字时代, fostering meaningful peer-to-peer interaction in online courses remains a significant challenge for educators. While face-to-face classes benefit from spontaneous discussions and immediate instructor guidance, online environments often rely heavily on discussion boards to facilitate student engagement. 然而, 手工制作提示火花真正, 深入的对话可能会耗费时间,有时还会有偶然性. Enter generative AI - a powerful tool that can assist instructors in creating dynamic, 发人深省的讨论提示量身定制的课程目标. This blog post explores how leveraging AI can revolutionize your approach to online discussions, saving time while potentially enhancing student engagement and learning outcomes.

While debates about the merits and drawbacks of generative AI continue in academic circles, 这篇博文关注的是它对在线教育的实际好处. 我们将探讨人工智能如何增强你的讨论板策略, while emphasizing the importance of instructor oversight and critical 评价 of AI-generated content.

At 十大电子游艺网站排行, we're utilizing Microsoft Copilot, which is accessible through your Lamar login. 有关使用副驾驶的指南和最佳实践的更多信息, 包括在提示中不应该包含的内容(e).g.,个人资料),请参阅 这篇博客介绍了如何使用Copilot.


Generative AI can be particularly effective for course design and idea generation. 利用AI创造可用内容的关键在于提示的艺术. 下面是制作有效提示的一步一步指南:

  1. 定义 目标清晰地勾勒出讨论的学习目标. Are you aiming to deepen understanding, encourage critical thinking, or facilitate peer interaction?

  2. 提供上下文: 在AI中输入详细的课程内容或特定的主题. The more context provided, the more accurate and relevant the generated prompts will be.

  3. 定制和改进: 审查和完善人工智能生成的提示. Customize them to align perfectly with your course requirements and ensure they meet your educational standards.


Here's a detailed prompt template you can use with generative AI to create engaging discussion topics for an online asynchronous course:

摘要目的: Create engaging and open-ended discussion topics aligned with measurable learning objectives for an online asynchronous course. The topics should promote critical thinking and facilitate in-depth exploration of the subject matter.

主题: [指定课程的主题,例如.g.、环境科学、艺术史、商业伦理等.]

学习目的: [指定可测量的学习目标,例如.g., “分析气候变化对海洋生物多样性的影响," "评价文艺复兴艺术对现代西方美学的影响,“讨论公司治理中的道德考量。,”等.]



  1. Generate a list of 5 to 10 discussion topics directly related to the specified learning objective.
  2. 确保每个话题都是开放式的, promoting multiple viewpoints and in-depth discussion rather than simple yes/no answers.
  3. 主题应该鼓励学生应用课程材料中的概念, 整合外部资源, 并将内容与现实世界的应用程序联系起来.
  4. Each topic should be phrased as a question or prompt requiring critical analysis, 评价, 或者信息合成.




-主题应该足够吸引人,鼓励积极参与, 促进合作学习和知识交流.

- Each topic should be scalable in complexity to cater to both novice and advanced learners, allowing all 学生 to contribute meaningfully based on their understanding and research.


让我们看看这个提示在实践中是如何工作的. We'll use an Art Appreciation course as an example, with the learning objective:



  1. The Renaissance Relevance: How do you see the influence of Renaissance art in today's modern Western aesthetics? 提供两个时期的例子来支持你的观点.
  2. Artistic Techniques: Discuss how techniques pioneered during the Renaissance, 比如透视法和明暗法, 仍在现代西方艺术中使用吗. 你能在当代作品中找到这些技巧的例子吗?
  3. Humanism in Art: The Renaissance marked a shift towards humanism and individualism. How has this influenced the portrayal of the human form in modern Western art?
  4. Religion and Art: Compare the representation of religious themes in Renaissance art and modern Western art. 这些主题的解释和呈现是如何演变的?
  5. Art and Society: How did the societal changes during the Renaissance period influence the art of that time? Can you draw parallels with any societal changes in the modern era that have influenced Western aesthetics?
  6. Influence on Modern Movements: How have Renaissance principles influenced modern art movements like Impressionism, 立体主义, 或抽象表现主义?
  7. Renaissance in Pop Culture: Can you identify influences of Renaissance art in today's popular culture (movies, 电视节目, 音乐视频, 等.)?
  8. 文艺复兴时期和. Modern Art: If a Renaissance artist were to suddenly appear in today's world, what aspects of modern Western aesthetics would they find most surprising or familiar?
  9. The Role of Patrons: Discuss the role of patrons during the Renaissance and compare it with the role of art investors today. 这种关系是如何影响艺术的演变的?
  10. Art and Technology: How has the advent of technology influenced the appreciation and creation of art compared to the Renaissance period?


To further refine these prompts, we can analyze them according to Bloom's Taxonomy. This helps in understanding the level of cognitive engagement each prompt requires:

  1. 文艺复兴相关性:分析(高层次思维)
  2. 艺术技巧:应用(中级思维)
  3. 艺术中的人文主义:理解(低层次思考)
  4. 宗教与艺术:综合(高层次思考)
  5. 艺术与社会:评价(高层次思考)
  6. 对现代运动的影响:分析(高层次思维)
  7. 流行文化的复兴:应用(中级思维)
  8. 文艺复兴时期和. 现代艺术:综合(高层次思考)
  9. 赞助人的角色:评价(高层次思维)
  10. 艺术与技术:分析(高级思维)

这样的分析可以确保你的混合低, 中期, 高水平的思考能力贯穿你的讨论, 为学生提供现成的学习经验.


正如我们所探讨的, generative AI offers a powerful tool for crafting engaging discussion prompts that can elevate online learning experiences. 通过遵循概述的步骤-确定目标, 提供上下文, and refining AI-generated content - instructors can create discussion topics that span various levels of Bloom's Taxonomy, 迎合不同的学习需求.

记住,人工智能是对你专业知识的补充,而不是替代. Your critical 评价 and customization of these prompts ensure they align with your course goals and resonate with your 学生. 当你将这种方法整合到你的在线教学工具包中时, you may find that it not only saves time but also opens new avenues for fostering deep, 在虚拟教室里进行有意义的讨论.

在线教育的未来是教师之间的协作, 学生, 以及人工智能等创新工具. 拥抱这种协同作用,看着你的在线讨论蓬勃发展.


扎卡里·迪比森是 an instructional designer for 十大电子游艺网站排行 whose expertise is in educational technology and storytelling. He assist instructors in developing courses that integrate innovative teaching methods while boosting student engagement. He is also interested in how the ethical use of AI technologies can enhance student learning experiences.


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