
As the semester gains momentum and you’ve graded students’ first major assignment, it’s not uncommon to encounter a deluge of emails from students who are puzzled about their grades. 你可能会收到这样的问题:“为什么我得到这个分数??或者“我怎样才能拿到A ??”. 如果这正在成为一种熟悉的趋势, 这就表明你需要更清晰的作业说明.

重新审视你的作业指导方针可能是有益的. The Transparency in Learning and Teaching (TILT) framework offers a structured method to enhance clarity and eliminate any misunderstandings students might have about assignments.


TILT框架旨在明确学术任务, 从而提高学生的参与度和他们提交的材料的质量. 它的重点是减少对每个任务期望的混淆, 确保学生充分意识到他们需要做什么以及为什么.




In this segment, clearly articulate the learning objectives of the assignment. The purpose section should detail what skills they are practicing and contain measurable verbs, 所以学生们知道你在寻找什么. 如果你在写作可衡量的目标方面需要帮助, 看看十大电子游艺网站排行CTLE的博客文章 教师成果和目标指南. The purpose section should also explain how the assignment will enhance their academic journey and its relevance beyond the classroom. Discuss how the skills acquired will be applicable in professional settings or daily life, 培养学术任务和实际应用之间的联系.


在这里, you should provide a detailed description of what students are expected to do to complete the assignment. 提供明确的说明和指导方针. 也, consider mentioning potential pitfalls or reasons for withholding certain information, 如果适用的话. 结合 布鲁姆的分类 能否帮助确保任务既可操作又可衡量.


This part involves outlining what a successfully completed assignment should look like. It’s beneficial to present various examples and, if relevant, discuss their real-world applications. Highlight the distinctions between exceptional work and submissions that merely meet the basic requirements. Including a detailed rubric and explaining how it will be used to evaluate submissions can further clarify expectations. Adding the rubric to Blackboard is beneficial for students as it makes evaluation criteria transparent and easily accessible. 您可以通过以下链接找到关于在Blackboard中使用规则的更多信息 他们的帮助文档.

鼓励课后反思, prompting students to assess their performance and plan for future improvements. These reflections can be made part of the assignment or incorporated into course discussions.

通过使用TILT框架来检查你的作业说明, 你可以培养一个更清晰的人, 更具支持性的教育环境. This method not only aids in reducing confusion and student questions but also enhances the overall quality of student work, 为他们在学术和职业上的成功做好准备. For further insights into designing transparent assignments, consider reviewing TILT详细清单.



Instructions: Students are required to write a research paper about Pop Art and popular media of the 1960's. 论文应至少10页长,并包括参考文献.

Assessment: Your paper will be graded based on content, writing quality, and research.

虽然这个作业指定了主题和交付所需的长度, 它缺乏关于范围的详细指导, 重点关注领域, 以及对分析和论证的期望. 这种缺乏特异性会导致学生之间的严重混淆, 因为他们可能不理解研究的深度, 或者批判性的视角. 此外, 没有明确的指示, 学生可能无法完全掌握作业所设定的学习目标, such as the ability to critically analyze art movements or to draw connections between historical events and artistic expressions. 结果是, the assignment does not sufficiently support students in achieving a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter or in developing the intended academic skills.

The following is the same assignment that uses the TILT framework to increase its clarity. This assignment contains a clear purpose with the tasks being asked of students defined and detailed criteria given so students know what the instructor will be looking for.




This essay will explore the significant influence of television on the development and expression of Pop Art. Understanding this relationship will enhance your appreciation of how media can shape artistic movements and cultural expressions. This knowledge is crucial for comprehending broader cultural and historical contexts in modern art studies.


研究 Topic: Investigate how television influenced Pop Art artists and their works. Focus on specific examples where television's emergence and popularity are reflected in the themes, 风格, 和波普艺术的技巧.

Analysis: Analyze the impact of television as a cultural phenomenon on the art produced during the Pop Art movement. Consider how television shaped public perceptions of art and influenced artists’ approaches to their work.


概述波普艺术和电视的出现. 请介绍一下你关于电视如何影响波普艺术的论文.

Main Body: Discuss specific artists and artworks that were influenced by television, 引用例子和批判性分析. 探索这种对文化和艺术的影响的更广泛的含义.

Conclusion: Summarize your findings and reflect on the lasting impact of television on the art world and contemporary culture.

格式:文章长度为5-7页, 双倍行距, 引用和参考文献采用APA格式.



  • Content Relevance and Depth (40%): Shows comprehensive understanding of the influence of television on Pop Art.
  • Critical Analysis (30%): Provides insightful analysis of the interplay between television and Pop Art.
  • 写作质量(20%):保持清晰、连贯和语法的准确性.
  • Adherence to APA Style (10%): Follows APA formatting and citation guidelines accurately.

A detailed rubric is attached to guide you in meeting the expectations for each criterion. Examples of exemplary essays are available upon request to help you frame your analysis.


  • [链接到APA格式指南]
  • Office hours for assistance in understanding the topic and developing your thesis.
  • Access to art history databases and digital archives through the university library.


提交后反思你的研究和写作过程. 虽然这个反射不会被分级, it is encouraged to help you synthesize your learning and consider its applications. 需要考虑的反思性问题:

  • 你对媒体对艺术的影响有何看法?
  • What skills have you developed through this assignment that will be useful in your future academic or career pursuits?
  • 这个作业的目的是提供一个清晰和结构化的学习经验, enhancing your understanding of both Pop Art and the significant role of media in shaping cultural movements.

倾斜高一点. 高等教育. (n.d.). http://tilthighered.com/